Module One
This module will provide training on Learning the role of the healthcare professional in working with the transgender population, recognizing and defining terminology related to sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, physiology, and gender presentation understanding equity, diversity, and inclusion in clinical care for transgender patients.
Module Two
Module two will provide training on incorporating inclusive learning in intake/assessment tools and EHR, understanding the current barriers to affirmative health care experienced by the transgender and gender-diverse community, understanding gender dysphoria and the pathologizing of gender variance, and identifying common systemic problems within healthcare systems .
Module Three
This module will cover how to identify implicit cissexist bias in treatment and practice structures, understand cisnormative assumptions, and recognize gender as a social construct. We will also examine if sex and gender are truly binary.
Module Four
Module four training provides an understanding of how employment discrimination magnifies health disparities among transgender individuals, an ability to recognize theories relevant to working with transgender and gender-diverse patients, the ability to identify the stigma faced at the structural, interpersonal and individual levels, and healthcare discrepancies in rural areas.
Module Five
Module five will focus on understanding the differing needs of transgender youth, the safety and efficacy of gender affirming care, how healthcare providers can advocate for their transgender patients, and how to identify local community resources,
Post-test and Evaluation
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